After visiting the A&E side of the hospital + mortuary earlier in the year (see
@Saltburndan1971 kindly offered to give me a tour of the rest of the place, which was something I couldn't say no to! Would've been nice to do it all in one hit rather than chipping away at it for ages, but beggars can't be choosers. In the end the only bits we didn't manage were the old nurses accommodation as the link corridor is breeze-blocked at each end and the laundry as we ran out of light!
I found the operating theatres much nicer on this side rather than the more modern ones above the A&E
Post op recovery ward
Nice to finally see the chapel, even though it had been stripped out some time ago
Finally we had a look around the boilerhouse, it was really nice but the light was pretty much gone by this point
Thanks for looking